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In the Northern Kingdoms you may choose to play a variety of different races. Your characters race is an important element in defining its past, present and future fate. 
There are currently five playable races in Northern Kingdoms - A Witcher Larp, Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Dwarves and Witchers. 
A short description of each race can be found below save for the Witchers who have a separate page.

Elves (Aen Sidhe)

The elven race is past the time of its glory. Once the most populous people in this region of the world, they have been in decline ever since the arrival of the humans a few centuries ago, ceding ground to them on nearly every front.

In their own language the elves call themselves the Aen Seidhe - that is, the people of the hills. They are an extremely long lived race, with a life span that can last hundreds, if not tens of hundreds, of years. What is an eon for you but the blink of an eye to them, just another season in the steady cycle of time. Despite their extremely long lifespans, elves can only produce offspring when they are young.

Due to a steady series of losses the elves were deprived of most of their ancient lands. Only recently, during the wars between the Northern Kingdoms and Nilfgaard, did they manage to carve out a new domain of their own - Dol Blathanna. 


Human (Dh’oinne)

Humans are by far the most numerous race in the northern kingdoms having invaded the lands of the Elves after the conjunction of the spheres. It is not known for certain where the Humans came from but one cannot deny their connection to the conjunction; perhaps like so many other post conjunction monsters, the Humans came from another world on their ships.

They arrived at the mouths of the Yaruga and Pontar rivers and for the next 500 years the humans perused an aggressive expansion and forged the northern kingdoms as they are known today. Initially looked upon with indifference by the elves they simply kept their distance from human expansion, often abandoning whole cities to the human advance for they assumed that eventually the humans would stop, content with their lot. Oh how wrong they were.

By the time the elves committed to battle the humans it was too late, the fledgling kingdoms of man were well entrenched, aggressive and growing quickly.

Never the less, foolish and proud, the elves marched to war; this was to mark the beginning of elven decline in the north.


The origins of the dwarves date back to ancient time, even predating the conjunction of spheres. They are a short, but stout and tough, people accustomed to hard work. They have a reputation for being honourable and dependable, but are also often seen as endlessly grumbling curmudgeons caring little but for their kin and gold, which they invariably love to accumulate. In this, it is often said they are second only to dragons and men. They are also famous for the great jealously with which they guard their less than handsome women, believing that everyone else awaits the chance to seduce them. Very few have deigned to risk explaining to a dwarf why the belief might be erroneous.

The dwarves ancestral homeland is the mountainous region of Mahakam, though many also live in human cities plying their various trades as craftsmen, bankers or merchants or find work as mercenaries or bodyguards.


Half Elves

In spite of the differences between men and elves the two race are able to crossbreed; perhaps from rare instances of romance or as a result of the horrors of war. In fact when a female elf and human man mate the elf become fertile for a time even if she is beyond her fertile age, this fact only serves to fuel the anger of the elves who above all else wish to rekindle the dying fire of their race. Half elves in most cases have a rough life particularly in human societies, in elven societies they are often treat with indifference; as an elf, a half elf reminds them of the sadness of their races decline. 

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